The Best Mangrove Tours in Koh Lanta

Koh Lanta

Mangrove tours in Koh Lanta, Thailand, offer a unique and immersive experience into the island's rich and diverse ecosystem. These tours typically involve guided kayak or longtail boat journeys through the extensive mangrove forests that line Koh Lanta's coastline. The mangroves are teeming with wildlife, including monkeys, birds, and various marine species, making these tours a haven for nature enthusiasts and photographers. Guides provide insightful commentary on the ecological importance of mangroves, their role in coastal protection, and the various species that inhabit them. These tours often include stops at local fishing villages, where visitors can learn about traditional livelihoods and sample fresh seafood. Mangrove tours are not only educational but also offer a serene escape into the natural beauty of Koh Lanta, providing a tranquil contrast to the island's more popular beaches and tourist spots.

(Prices are listed in U.S. Dollars.)

Overall Rating: 4.2 with 43 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.3 with 10 ratings
Overall Rating: 2.6 with 5 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.5 with 4 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.3 with 3 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.0 with 3 ratings
Length: 7 hours
Overall Rating: 4.9 with 129 ratings
Length: 4 hours
Overall Rating: 4.0 with 38 ratings
Length: 3 hours
Overall Rating: 4.4 with 34 ratings

How much do mangrove tours cost in Koh Lanta?

Average Price mangrove tours

In Koh Lanta, mangrove tours cost on average $49 based on our research of 31 different tours. Many of these tours offer varying activities, add extra services, and last different lengths of time, so it's not always possible to compare every option equally. Also, the highly rated options tend to cost a bit more on average.

More Options

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If you have a specific amount of time for your trip, see our advice about how much time to spend here: Should I spend 1, 2, or 3 days in Koh Lanta?, Should I spend 3, 4, or 5 days in Koh Lanta?, and Should I spend 1 or 2 weeks in Koh Lanta?.

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