The Best Emerald Cave Tours in Koh Lanta

Koh Lanta

Because of its popularity, it's no surprise that Koh Lanta offers plenty of Emerald Cave tours. But which are the best? To find out, we've analyzed all of the tours in the area not just for their experiences, but also for their price, guest ratings, quality, and service.

Emerald Cave tours in Koh Lanta, Thailand, are a must-do adventure for visitors seeking a blend of natural beauty and a touch of mystery. The Emerald Cave, or Tham Morakot, is located on the nearby island of Koh Muk and is famous for its stunning turquoise waters and hidden beach. Tours typically start with a boat ride from Koh Lanta, providing picturesque views of the Andaman Sea and its limestone karsts. Upon arrival at the cave, visitors don life jackets and swim or kayak through a narrow, dark tunnel that opens up into a secret lagoon. This hidden beach, surrounded by towering cliffs and lush vegetation, is accessible only through the cave, adding to its allure. The sunlight filtering through the cave entrance illuminates the water, giving it an emerald glow, hence the name. Emerald Cave tours offer a unique and enchanting experience, showcasing the natural wonders of the region and leaving visitors with unforgettable memories.

The 14 tours in our research have an average price of $60. Also, the typical experience length is 5 hours. Below are our picks for the best, so let's start planning!

(Prices are listed in U.S. Dollars.)

Overall Rating: 4.3 with 50 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.9 with 30 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.9 with 14 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.6 with 9 ratings
Overall Rating: 5.0 with 8 ratings
Length: 7 hours
Overall Rating: 4.6 with 129 ratings
Length: 7.5 hours
Overall Rating: 4.5 with 60 ratings
Length: 7.5 hours
Overall Rating: 3.9 with 25 ratings
10% OFF
Length: 8 hours
Overall Rating: 4.3 with 22 ratings
 $27  $25
10% OFF
Length: 8 hours
Overall Rating: 4.1 with 20 ratings
 $37  $33
Length: 7 hours
Overall Rating: 5.0 with 1 ratings

How much do Emerald Cave tours cost in Koh Lanta?

Average Price Emerald Cave tours

In Koh Lanta, Emerald Cave tours cost on average $60 based on our research of 14 different tours. Many of these tours offer varying activities, add extra services, and last different lengths of time, so it's not always possible to compare every option equally. Also, the highly rated options tend to cost a bit more on average.

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If you have a specific amount of time for your trip, see our advice about how much time to spend here: Should I spend 1, 2, or 3 days in Koh Lanta?, Should I spend 3, 4, or 5 days in Koh Lanta?, and Should I spend 1 or 2 weeks in Koh Lanta?.

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