The Best Ferry Services to Koh Lanta

Koh Lanta

Ferry services to Koh Lanta, Thailand, are a popular and scenic way to reach this idyllic island. These ferries operate from various departure points, including Krabi, Phuket, and the Phi Phi Islands, offering travelers a convenient and enjoyable journey across the Andaman Sea. The ferries range from large, comfortable boats to smaller, faster speedboats, catering to different preferences and schedules. The trip typically includes stunning views of the turquoise waters and surrounding islands, making the journey a highlight of the travel experience. Ferry services are frequent during the high season, ensuring easy access to Koh Lanta's beautiful beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and laid-back atmosphere. Travelers can often book tickets online or at local travel agencies, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transfer to this tropical paradise.

(Prices are listed in U.S. Dollars.)

Overall Rating: 3.9 with 15 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.0 with 1 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.0 with 1 ratings
Length: 2 hours
Overall Rating: 4.3 with 24 ratings
Length: 2.5 hours
Overall Rating: 4.6 with 5 ratings
Length: 4 hours
Overall Rating: 3.2 with 5 ratings
Length: 3.5 hours
Overall Rating: 3.5 with 4 ratings
Length: 1 hours
Overall Rating: 5.0 with 1 ratings

How much do ferry services cost in Koh Lanta?

Average Price ferry services

In Koh Lanta, ferry services cost on average $33 based on our research of 10 different ferries. Many of these ferries offer varying activities, add extra services, and last different lengths of time, so it's not always possible to compare every option equally. Also, the highly rated options tend to cost a bit more on average.

More Options

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If you have a specific amount of time for your trip, see our advice about how much time to spend here: Should I spend 1, 2, or 3 days in Koh Lanta?, Should I spend 3, 4, or 5 days in Koh Lanta?, and Should I spend 1 or 2 weeks in Koh Lanta?.

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