The Best Snorkeling Tours in Koh Phi Phi

Explore the Underwater World in Paradise

Koh Phi Phi

Because of its popularity, it's no surprise that Koh Phi Phi offers plenty of snorkeling tours. But which are the best? To find out, we've analyzed all of the tours in the area not just for their experiences, but also for their price, guest ratings, quality, and service.

Snorkeling trips in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand, offer an exceptional experience in one of the world's most beautiful marine environments. These trips typically take visitors to several prime snorkeling spots around the islands, including the famous Maya Bay, Loh Samah Bay, and Pileh Lagoon. The crystal-clear waters around Koh Phi Phi teem with vibrant coral reefs and a diverse array of marine life, including colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, and occasionally even small reef sharks. Snorkeling tours often include gear rental, guidance from experienced instructors, and sometimes even refreshments or lunch. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced snorkeler, these trips provide a fantastic opportunity to explore the underwater wonders of Koh Phi Phi, making for an unforgettable adventure in Thailand's Andaman Sea.

The 20 tours in our research have an average price of $44. Also, the typical experience length is 2 hours. Below are our picks for the best, so let's start planning!

(Prices are listed in U.S. Dollars.)

Overall Rating: 4.9 with 99 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.2 with 48 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.0 with 39 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.6 with 38 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.5 with 12 ratings
Overall Rating: 4.3 with 11 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.2 with 10 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.7 with 3 ratings
Overall Rating: 3.0 with 2 ratings

How much do snorkeling tours cost in Koh Phi Phi?

Average Price snorkeling tours

In Koh Phi Phi, snorkeling tours cost on average $44 based on our research of 20 different tours. Many of these tours offer varying activities, add extra services, and last different lengths of time, so it's not always possible to compare every option equally. Also, the highly rated options tend to cost a bit more on average.

More Options

If you're looking for more things to do in Koh Phi Phi, see also The Best Maya Bay Tours in Koh Phi Phi, The Best Longtail Boat Tours Around Koh Phi Phi, or The Best Ferry Services to and from Koh Phi Phi.

Koh Phi Phi Travel Costs
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If you have a specific amount of time for your trip, see our advice about how much time to spend here: Should I spend 1, 2, or 3 days in Koh Phi Phi?, Should I spend 3, 4, or 5 days in Koh Phi Phi?, and Should I spend 1 or 2 weeks in Koh Phi Phi?.

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